Quondam et Futurus

Fifth Century[]

Sixth Century[]

The Gododdin (Y Gododdin) God
Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone (Ed.) (1969). The Gododdin: The Oldest Scottish Poem. Edinburgh University Press.   God:Jack

De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae (On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain) Excid
Winterbottom, Michael (Ed. & trans.) (1978). The Ruin of Britain. In History From the Sources, Vol. 7. Chichester: Phillamore.   Excid:Win

Seventh Century[]

Eighth Century[]

Preiddeu Annwfn (Spoils of Annwfn) PA
Gwenogvryn, Evans, J. (Ed.) (1915). Poem from the Book of Taliesin, pp. 26–41. Llanbedrog: Tramvan.   PA:Gwen

Ninth Century[]

Historia Brittonum (History of the Britons) HB
Dumville, David (Ed.) (1985). The Historia Brittonum: The “Vatican” Recension. Cambridge: Brewer.   HB:Dum
Morris, John (Ed.) (1980). British History and the Welsh Annals. History from the sources, Vol. 8. Chichester: Phillamore.   HB:Mor

Tenth Century[]

Annales Cambriae (The Welsh Annals) AC
Morris, John (Ed. & trans.) (1980). British History and the Welsh Annals. History from the Sources, Vol. 8. Chichester, Phillamore.   AC:Mor

Eleventh Century[]

Twelfth Century[]

Bliocadran Prologue Blio
Wolfgang, Lenora D. (Ed.) (1976). Bliocadran: a Prologue to the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes. Tübingen: Niemeyer.   Blio:Wolf
Hilka, Alfons (Ed.) (1932). In Der Percevalroman (Li contes del graal), Vol. 5 of Christian von Troyes, Sämtlich erhaltene Werke, pp. 430–54. Halle (Saale).   Blio:Hilka
Le Conte du mantel (Tale of the Mantel) also known as Le Mantel mautaillié (The Ill-cut Mantel) CM
Wulff, F. A. (Ed.) (1885). Rom 14:343–80.   CM:Wul
Culhwch and Olwen (Culhwch ac Olwen) CO
Bromwich, Rachel & D. Simon Evans (Eds.) (1988). Culwch ac Olwen: An edition and study of the oldest Arthurian tale. Cardiff: U. of Wales Press.   CO:Brom
The Elucidation Eluc
Thompson, Alfred Wilder (Ed.) (1931). The Elucidation, a prologue to the conte del graal. New York: Publications of the Institute of French Studies.   Eluc:Thomp
Les Enfances Gauvain. (The Childhood of Gawain) EG1. EG2
Meyer, Paul (Ed.) (1910). Les Enfances Gauvain. Rom 39:1–32 (two fragments)   EG1:Mey.   EG2:Mey
First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval CP 1
Roach, William (Ed.) (1949). The First Continuation, Redaction of MSS TVD, Vol. 1. (The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes). Philadelphia.   CP 1T
Roach, William (Ed.) (1950). The First Continuation, Redaction of MSS EMQU, Vol. 2. (The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes). Philadelphia.   CP 1E
Roach, William (Ed.) (1952). The First Continuation, Redaction of MSS ALFPRS (three texts), Vol. 3, pt. 1. (The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes). Philadelphia.   CP 1A
Roach, William & Foulet, Lucien (Eds.) (1955). The First Continuation, Vol. 3, pt. 2. (The Continuations of the Old French Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes). Philadelphia.   CP 1R
Folie Tristan de Berne (Berne Tristan’s Madness) Fb
Rosenberg, Samuel N. (Ed. & trans.) (1998). La folie Tristan (Berne). In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 1:217–57. AA 1. Cambridge: Brewer.   Fb:AA
Hoepffner, Ernest (Ed.) (1949). La folie Tristan de Berne. Textes d’étude 3; 2nd. edition. Paris: PFLUS   Fb:PFLUS
Folie Tristan d’Oxford (Oxford Tristan’s Madness) Fo
Rosenberg, Samuel N. (Ed. & trans.) (1998). La folie Tristan (Oxford). In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 1:258–310. AA 1. Cambridge: Brewer.   Fo:AA
Hoepffner, Ernest (Ed.) (1943). La folie Tristan d’Oxford. Textes d’étude 8. Paris: PFLUS   Fo:PFLUS
Alliterative Joseph of Arimathie AJA
Skeat, Walter W. (Ed.) (1871). Joseph of Arimathie. EETS 44:1–23.   AJA:Skea
Lay of Graelent Gra
Burgess, Glyn S. & Brook, Leslie C. (Ed. & trans.) (2007). Graelent. Eleven Old French Narrative Lays, pp. 349–412. French Arthurian Literature, Vol. 4. AA 14. Cambridge: Brewer.   Gra:AA
Lay of Guingamor Non-Arthurian in this text, but the protagonist appears or is mentioned in other Arthurian romances. Guin
Burgess, Glyn S. & Brook, Leslie C. (Ed. & trans.) (2007). Guingamor. Eleven Old French Narrative Lays, pp. 141–95. French Arthurian Literature, Vol. 4. AA 14. Cambridge: Brewer.   Guin:AA
Lay of Melion Melion:
Burgess, Glyn S. & Brook, Leslie C. (Ed. & trans. with Amanda Hopkins) (2007). Melion. Eleven Old French Narrative Lays, pp. 413–66. French Arthurian Literature, Vol. 4. AA 14. Cambridge: Brewer.   Melion:AA
Lay of Trot Trot:
Burgess, Glyn S. & Brook, Leslie C. (Ed. & trans.) (2007). Trot. Eleven Old French Narrative Lays, pp. 481–508. French Arthurian Literature, Vol. 4. AA 14. Cambridge: Brewer.   Trot:AA
Historia (First Variant) (First Variant of Geoffrey’s Historia) HSB1
Wright, Neil (Ed.) (1984–8). The historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth: The first variant version : a critical edition, 2 Vols. Cambridge. D.S. Brewer.   HSB1:Wri
Second Continuaion of Chrétien’s Perceval CP 2
Roach, William (Ed.) (1949–83). The Continuations of the Old French “Perceval” of Chrétien de Troyes, Vol. 4. Philadephia: University of Pennsylvania Press.   CP 2:Roach
Potvin, Ch. (1865–71). In Perceval le Galois ou le conte du graal, ll. 21917–34934. Publications de la Société des Bibliophiles belges, no. 21; 6 vols. Mons.   CP 2:Pot

Andreas Capellanus
De Amore (On Love) DA
Parry. John, Jay. (Ed. & trams.) (1941). The Art of Courtly Love. New York: Frederick Ungar.   DA:Par.

Tristran TrB
Lacy, Norris J. (Ed. & trans.) (1998). Beroul’s TRISTRAN. In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 1:1–216. AA 1. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrB:AA.
Ewart, A. (Ed.) (1939). Tristan. Oxford.   TrB:Ewart.

Caradoc of Llancarfan
Vita Gildas (Life of Gildas) VGCar
Mommsen, Theodorus (Ed.) (1898). Vita Gildae Auctore Caradoco Lancarbanensi. In Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimori 13. Chronica Minora 3:107–10. Berlin: Weidman.   VGCar:Mom

Chrétien de Troyes
Erec and Enide (Erec et Enide) Erec:
Staines, David (Ed. and trans.) (1990). Erec. In The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.   Erec:St
Roques, Mario (Ed.) (1953). Erec et Enide. CFMA 80. Paris: CFMA.   Erec:CFMA
Foerster, Wendelin (Ed.) (1896). Erec und Enide. RB 13. Halle, A. S.   Erec:RB
Cligés Clig
Staines, David (Ed. and trans.) (1990). Cligés. In The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.   Clig:St
Foerster Wendelin (Ed.) (1921). Cligés. RB 1; 4th ed. Halle (Saale)   Clig:RB
Yvain, or The Knight with the Lion (Le Chevalier au Lion) Yv
Staines, David (Ed. and trans.) (1990). The Knight with the Lion. In The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.   Yv:St
Roques, Mario (Ed.) (1960). Le chevalier au lion (Yvain). CFMA 89. Paris   Yv:CFMA
Reid, T. B. W. (Ed.) (1942). Yvain, le chevalier au lion . Manchester: Manchester UP. (Foerster’s text.)   Yv:Reid
Perceval, or The Story of the Grail (Le Conte du Graal) Perc
Staines, David (Ed. and trans.) (1990). The Story of the Grail. In The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press..   Perc:St
Roach, William (Ed.) (1959). Le roman de Perceval ou le conte du graal. TLF 71; 2nd ed. Genève-Paris.   Perc:Roach
Hilka, Alfons (Ed.) (1932). Der Percevalroman (li contes del graal). In Vol. V of Christian von Troyes’ Sämtliche erhaltene Werke. Halle A. S.   Perc:Hilka

Chrétien de Troyes and Godefroi de Leigni
Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart (Le Chevalier de la Charette) Lanc
Staines, David (Ed. and trans.) (1990). The Knight of the Cart. In The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.   Lanc:St
Roques, Mario (Ed.) (1958). Le Chevalier de la Chariete. CFMA 84. Paris.   Lanc:CFMA
Foerster, Wendelin (Ed.) (1189). Der Karrenritter. In Vol. IV of Christian von Troyes, ”Sämtliche erhaltene Werke. Halle A. S.   Lanc:SEW

Eilhart von Oberg
Tristan (Tristrant) EilTr
Bussman, Hadumond (Ed.) (1969). Tristrant: Symoptischer Druck der ergänzer Fragmente mit dem gesamten Parallelüberlieferung. Tübingen: Niemeyer.   EilTr:Buss
Buschinger, Danielle (Ed. and trans.) (1976). Tristrant: Édition diplomatique des manuscripts et traduction en français modern avec introduction, notes et index.. Göppingen: Niemeyer.   EilTr:Busc

Etienne de Rouen
“Epistola Arturi regis ad Henricum regum Anglorum” (“Letter of King Arthur to King Henry of the English”). part of Etienne de Rouen’s Draco Normannicus. AraH
Day, Mildred Leake (Ed. & trans.) (2005). “Letter of King Arthur to King Henry of the English”. Latin Arthurian Literature. AA 11. Cambridge: Brewer.   AraH:Day

Geoffrey of Monmouth
History of the Kings of Britain (Historia regum Britannie) HRB
Faral, Edmond (Ed.) (1929). In La légend Arthurienne, études et documents, Vol. III, pp. 64–303. Paris.   HRB:Far
Griscom, Acton (Ed.) (1929). The historia regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth. London: Longmans, Green and co.   HRB:Gris
Life of Merlin (Vita Merlini) VM
Parry, John Jay (Ed.) (1925). Vita Merlini. Urbana: U. of Illinois Press.   VM:Par

Godfrey of Viterbo
Pantheon Pan
Godfrey of Viterbo (1559). Godefridi Viterbiensis Pantheon sive Uiverstatis libri que Chronici apellantur XX. Basle
Gardner, Edmund G. (1930). The Arthurian Legend in Italian Literature, pp. 6–7. London: Dent.

Gottfried von Strassburg
Tristan TrGvS
Bechstein, Reinhold (Ed.) & Ganz, Peter (Re-ed.) (1978). Tristan. Wiesbaden: Brockhouse.   TrGvS:Rein

Marie de France
Bisclaveret (The Werewolf). This version is non-Arthurian, but see the Lay of Melion and Malory’s comments on Marrok in his Le Morte d’Arthur, Book XIX, chapter 21, for Arthurian versions of the tale. Bisc
Ewart, A. (Ed.) (1994). Bisclaveret. In Lais. Oxford.   Bisc:Ewa
Chèvrefeuile (Honeysuckle) Chv
O’Gorman, Richard (Ed. & trans.) (1998). Marie de France, Chèvrefeuille. In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 2:185–98. AA 2. Cambridge: Brewer.   Chv:AA
Ewart, A. (Ed.) (1994). Chèvrefeuile. In Lais, pp. 123–6. Oxford.   Chv:Ewa
Lanval Lv
Ewart, A. (Ed.) (1994). Lanval. In Lais, pp. 58–74. Oxford.   Lv:Ewart

Renaut de Beaujeu
Le Bel Inconnu (The Fair Unknown) BI
Fresco, Karen (Ed.) & Donagher, Colleen P. (Trans.) (1992). Le Bel Inconnu. New York: Garland.   BI:Fres
Williams, G. Petrie (Ed.) (1929). Le Bel Inconnu. CFMA 38. Paris.   BI:CFMA

Robert Biquet (or Roger Biket)
Le Lay du cor (Lay of the Horn) Cor
Dörner, Heinrich (Ed.) (1907). Le Lai du cor. Strassburg.   Cor:Dör.

Robert de Boron
Joseph of Arimathea (Joseph d’Arimathea) JA
O’Gorman, Richard (Ed.) (1995). Joseph d’Arimathie. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.   JA:OG
Roach, William (Ed.) (1955). The Modena Text of the prose Joseph d’Arimathie. Romance Philology 9:312–42. (prose version)   JA:Roach
Weidner, Georg (Ed.) (1881). Der Prosaroman von Joseph of Arimathea, mit einer Einleitung ueber die hanshcrifliche Ueberlieferung. Oppeln. (prose version)   JA:Weid
Nitze, William A. (Ed.) (1927). Le roman de l’histoire dou graal. CFMA 57. Paris. (verse version)   JA:CFMA
Story of Merlin (Histoire de Merlin) PrM
Micha, Alexander (Ed.) (1979). Merlin: roman de XIIIe siècle. Genève: Librairie Droz. (Prose version and surviving fragment of verse version.)   PrM:Mich

Robert de Torigni
De Ortu Waluuanii (Rise of Gawain) Ortu
Day, Mildred Leake. (Ed. & trans.) (1984). De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi. Latin Arthurian Literature, pp. 56–121. AA 11. Cambridge: Brewer, 2005. Republished from The rise of Gawain, nephew of Arthur: De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi. New York: Garland.   Ortu:Day
Historia Meriadoci regis Cambrie (Story of Meriadoc, King of Wales) Mer
Day, Mildred Leake. (Ed. & trans.) (1988). Historia Meriadoci regis Cambrie. Latin Arthurian Literature, pp. 122–207. AA 11. Cambridge: Brewer. Republished from The Story of Meriadoc, King of Cambria: Historia Meriadoci regis Cambrie. New York: Garland.   Mer:Day

Tristran TrT
Gregory, Stewart (Ed. & trans.) (1998). Thomas’s Tristran. In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 2:1–171. AA 2. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrT:AA
Wind, Bartina H. (Ed.) (1960). Les fragments du roman de Tristan. TLF 92. Genève-Paris.   TrT:TLF
Tristran (Carlisle Fragment) TrTCar
Short, Ian (Ed. & trans.) (1998). The Carlisle fragment of Thomas’s Tristan. In Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 2:175–183. AA 2. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrTCar:AA

Ulrich von Zatzikoven
Lanzelet Lanz
Hahn, K. A. (Ed.) (1845). Lanzelet: Eine Erzählung. Frankfurt: Brönner.   Lanz:Hahn

Roman de Brut WaBrut
Weiss, Judith (Ed.) (2003). Wace’s roman de Brut: A history of the British, 2nd. ed. Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.   WaBrut:Wei
Arnold, I.D.O. & Pelan, M.M. (Eds.) (1962). La Partie Arthuienne du Roman de Brut. Paris.   WaBrut:AP
Arnold, I.D.O. (Ed.) (1938–40). Le Roman de Brut de Wace, 2 Volumes. Paris: SATF.   WaBrut:SATF

Allusions, Cameos, and Sections of Other Works[]

Henry of Huntingdon
Historia Anglorum (History of the Angles) HA
Arnold, Thomas (Ed.) (1879). Henrici Archdiaconi Hunterdunensis Historia Anglorum. London: 1879.   HA:Arn
Epistola ad Warinum (Letter to Warin) EW
Howlett, Richard (Ed.) (1885). Epistola ad Warinum. Chronicles in the Reign of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I. London: Longman, Trübner.   EW:How

Johannes de Hauvilla
Architrenius Arch
Wetherbee, Winthrop (Ed. & trans.) (1994). Architrenius. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Arch:Weth

William of Newburgh
Historia Rerum Anglicarum (History of English Affairs) HRA
Walsh, P. G. & Kennedy, M. J. (Ed. & trans.) (1988). The history of English affairs. London: Longman, Trübner. Warminster: Arts and Phillips.   HRA:Wal
(Howlett, Richard (Ed.) (1885). In Chronicles in the reign of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I, Vol 1. London: Longman, Trübner.   HRA:How

Thirteenth Century[]

Anglo-Norman Prose Brut ANPrBrut
Brie, Friedrich (Ed.) (1906, 1908). The Brut or the Chronicles of England. London: Oxford University Press.   ANPrBrut
Arthur and Gorlagon the Werewolf (Narratio de Arthuro rege Britanniae et rege Gorlagon lycanthropo). AG
Day, Mildred Leake (Ed. & trans.) (2005). Narratio de Arthuro rege Britanniae et rege Gorlagon lycanthropo. Latin Arthurian Literature, pp. 208–35. AA 11. Cambridge: Brewer.   AG:Day
L’Atre périlleux (The Perilous Cemetary) AP
Woledge, Brian. (Ed.) (1936). L’atre périlleux. CFMA 76. Paris.   AP:Wol
Brut y Brenhinedd Llanstephan MS. 1 BrLlan
Roberts, Brnyley F. (Ed.) (1971). Brut y brenhinedd: Llanstephan MS. 1 Version. Medieval and Modern Welsh Series, Vol. 5. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. (Selections from the manuscript only.)   BrLlan:Rob
Brut y Brenhinedd Dingestow BrDing
Lewis, Henry (Ed.) (1942). Brut Dingestow. Caerdydd.   BrDing:Lew
Li Chevaliers as deus espees (The Knight with the Two Swords) C2E
Rockwell, Paul Vincent (Ed. & trans.) (2006). Le chevalier as deus espees. French Arthurian Romances, Vol. 3. AA 13. Cambridge: Brewer.   C2E:AA
Claris et Laris (Claris and Laris) Clar
Alton, Johann (Ed.) (1884). Li Romans de Claris et Laris. BLVS 169. Tübingen.   Clar:BLVS
Sir Cleges SC
Laskaya, Anne & Salisbury, Eve (Eds.) (1995). Sir Cleges. (Bodleian 6922 [Ashmole 61]). The Middle English Breton Lays. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications.   SC:Ash
French Walter. Hoyt. & Hale, Charles. Brockway. (Eds.) (1930). Cleges. (Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 19.1.11 [Pref.MS]). Middle English Metrical Romances, pp. 877-95. New York: Prentice Hall.   SC:Adv
Conto di Brunor e di Gaelotto suo figlio (Tale of Brunor and of Galehaut his son) CBG
Papa, Pasquale (Ed.) (1884). Conti di Antichi Cavalieri. Giornale storico della letterature italiana, pp. 192–217. CBG:Pap
“Didot”-Perceval (Possibly a prose version of a lost poem by the 12th century writer Robert de Boron, but mostly taken as a conclusion to Robert’s work by a later writer.) DP
Roach, William (Ed.) (1941). The Didot Perceval according to the manuscripts of Modena and Paris. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania. DP:Roach
Dream of Rhonabwy (Breudwyt Rhonabwy) BR
Richards, D. M. (Ed.) (1948). Brewdwyt Rhonabwy. Cardiff: U. of Wales Press.   BR:Rich
Durmart le Gallois (Durmart the Welsh) DG
Gildea, Joseph (Ed.) (1965–6). Durmart le gallois. 2 vols. Villanova.   DG:Gil
Edolanz Edol
Meyer-Benley, Heinrich (Ed.) (1909). Edolanz. Mottelhochdeutsche Übungsstüche, pp. 154–59. Halle: Niemeyer.
Ferguut Fergt
Johnaon, David F. & Clasassens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2000). Ferguut. Dutch Romances, Vol. 2. AA 7. Cambridge: Brewer.   Fergt:JC
Floriant et Florete FF
Williams, Harry F. (Ed.) (i947). Floriant et Florete. U. of Michigan Publications, Language and Literature, Vol. 23. New York.   FF:Wil
Story of Gereint son of Erbin (Ystorya Gereint uab Erbin) Ger
Thompson, R. L. (Ed.) (1997). Ystorya Gereint uab Erbin. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.   Ger:Thom
Geiterlauf (Honysuckle) Adapted from Marie de France’s Chèvrefueil. Geit
Cook, Robert (Ed. & trans.) (i999). Geiterlauf. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Tristan Legend, pp. 1–8. Norse Romance, Volume 1. AA 3. Cambridge: Brewer.   Geit:Cook
Gliglois Gl
Livingston, Charles H. (Ed.) (i932). Gliglois. Harvard Studies in Romance Languages 8. Cambrige: Harvard UP,   Gl:Liv
Guiron le Courtois (Guiron the Courteous). Sometimes called the Palamedes in old studies. GC
Lathuillère, Roger. (Summarized) (1966). Guiron le courtois, étude de la tradition manuscrite et analyse critique. Publications romanes et françaises, 86. Genève.   GC:Lath
Hunbaut Hunb
Breuer, Jakob Stürzinger (Ed.) (1910). Hunbaut. GRL 35. Dresden.   Hunb:GRL
Ilas et Solvas (Ilas and Solvas) IS
Langlois, Ernest (Ed.) (1913). Fragment d’un roman de la table ronde. In Mélanges offerts à M. Emille Picot, Vol 1:383–9. Dresden.   IS:Lan
Ívens Saga (Íven’s Saga). Adapted from Chrétien’s Yvain. ÍvSag
Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Ívens saga. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Knights of the Round Table. Norse Romance, Vol. 2:33–102. AA 4. Cambridge: Brewer.   ÍvSag:Kal.
Janual. Adapted from Marie de France’s Lanval. Jan
Cook, Robert (Ed. & trans.) (i999). Janual. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Tristan Legend, pp. 10–22. Norse Romance, Volume 1. AA 3. Cambridge: Brewer.     Jan:Cook
Jaufré Jauf
Brunel, Clovis (Ed.) (1943). Jaufré: Roman arthurian en ancien provençal, 2 Vols. Paris: Picard.   Jauf:Brun
King Artus KAHeb
Leviant, Curt. (Ed. & trans.) (1979). King Artus: a Hebrew Arthurian Romance of 1279. New York: KTAV.   KAHeb:Lev
Lay of Tyolet Ty
Burgess, Glyn S. & Brook, Leslie C. (Ed. & trans.) (2007). Tyolet. Eleven Old French Narrative Lays, pp. 83–140. French Arthurian Literature, Vol. 4. AA 14. Cambridge: Brewer.   Ty:AA
Paris, Gaston (Ed.) (1879). Le lai de Tyolet. Rom 8:40–50.   Ty:Paris
Lohengrin Loh
Cramer, Thomas (Ed.) (1971). Lohengrin: Edition und untersuchungen. Münich: Willhelm Fink.   Loh:Cram
Der Mantel Mant
Warnasch, Otto (Ed.) (1883). Der Mantel: Btuckstück eines Lanzeletromans des Heinrich von dem Türlin, nehst einer Abhandlung über die Sage vom Trinkhorn und Mantel und die Quelle der Krone. Weinhold, Karl (Ed.) Breslau: Koebner.   Mant:War
Möttuls saga (The Mantel’s Saga). Adapted from Le Conte du mantel. Mött
Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Möttuls saga. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Knights of the Round Table. Norse Romance, Vol. 2:1–31. AA 4. Cambridge: Brewer.   Mött:Kal
Il Novellino (The short stories). Nov
Segre, Cesare (Ed.) (1959). Segre, Cesare & Marti, Marino (Eds.) La prosa del Dueccento. Milan: Riccardo Ricciardi.   Nov:Seg
Of Arthour and Merlin (Of Arthur and Merlin) AM
Macrae-Gibson, O. D. (Ed.) (1979). Of Arthour and Merlin, 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press.   AM:MG
Kölbing, Eugen (Ed.) (1890). Arthour and Merlin. MS National Library of Scotland (Auchinleck MS). Altenglishe Bibliothek, 4:1–272.   AM-1
Kölbing, Eugen (Ed.) (1890). Arthour and Merlin. MS Douce 236. Altenglishe Bibliothek, 4:273–370.   AM-2
Turnbull, W. B. D. D. (Ed.) (1838). Arthour and Merlin. MS Harley 6223. Abbotsford Club, 13:x–xiii.   AM-3
Kölbing, Eugen (Ed.) (1890). Arthour and Merlin. MS Lincoln’s Inn 150. Altenglishe Bibliothek, 4:273–370. [This version is represented in the first 1,980 verses of Kölbing.]   AM-4
Owein, or the Lady of the Fountain. (Owein or Chwedyl Iarlles y Ffynnawn). Ow
Thompson, R. L. (Ed.) (1958). Owein or chwedyl iarlles y ffynnawn. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.   Ow:Thomp
Parcevals saga. (Parceval’s saga). Adapted from Chrétien’s Perceval. ParSag
Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Parcevals saga: Valvens þáttr. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Knights of the Round Table. Norse Romance, Vol. 2:103–216. AA 4. Cambridge: Brewer.   ParSag:Kal
Story of Peredur son of Efrawg. (Historia Peredur vab Efrawc). Cardiff: U. of Wales Press. Per
Goetnick, Glenys (Ed.) (1976). Historia Peredur vab Efrawc. Cardiff: U. of Wales Press.   Per:Goe
Perlesvaus. Also known as the Greater Prose Perceval and the High History of the Holy Grail. Perl
Nitze, William A., Atkinson, Jenkins & Collaborators (Ed.) (1932–7). Le haut livre du graal: Perlesvaus. 2.vols. The Modern Philology Monographs of the University of Chicago. U. of Chicago Press. (Numbered lines.)   Perl:Nit
Prophécies de Merlin {Prophecies of Merlin) PM
Berthelot, Anne (Ed.) (1992). Les prophesies de Merlin (Cod. Bodmer 116) édité avec une introduction, un glossaire et un index des noms. Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Textes, 6. Cologny-Genève:Fondation Martin Bodmer.   PM:Ber
Paton, Lucy Allen (Ed.) (1926–7). Les Prophécies de Merlin, Edited from MS. 593 in the Bibliothéque Municipale of Rennes. 2.vols. The Modern Language Association of America Monograph Series 1. New York. Reprinted 1966. (Page numbers.)   PM:Pat
Prosa-Lancelot (German Prose Lancelot) GerPL
Kluge, Reinhold (Ed.) (1948, 1963, 1972). Lancelot. 3 Vols. Berlin: Akademie.   GerPL:Kluge
Sir Tristrem TRI
McNeil, George P. (Ed.) (1885–86). Sir Tristrem National Library of Scotland (Auchenleck MS). STS 8.   TRI:McN
Tristan als Mönch TraMon
Bushey, Berry (Ed.) (1974). Tristan als Mönch. Göppingen: Kümmerle.   TraMon:Bush
Tristan Rossignol (Tristan the Nightingale) From the larger work Le Domnei des Amants (ll. 453–660). TrRos
Fresco, Karen (Ed. & trans.) (1998). Tristan Rossignol. Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 2:199–213. AA 2. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrRos:Fre
Tristano Riccardiano (The Prose Tristan in Italian, as preserved in a manuscript in the Biblioteca Riccardiano in Florence.) TrRic
Psaki, F. Regina (Ed.) (2005). Tristan Riccardiano. Italian Literature, Vol. 2. AA 12. Cambridge: Brewer. TrRic:AA
Vallet a la Cote Mal Tailliee (Boy with the Ill-Cut Coat) YCMT
Meyer-Gaston, Paul (Ed.) (1897). Fragment du Vallet a la Cote Mal Tailliee. Rom 26:276–80. Paris.   YCMT:Mey
Wigamur Wigr
Keinz, Frederich (Ed.) (1882). Wigamur. Münich: Wien.   Wigr:Kei
Yder Yd
Gelzer, Heinrich (Ed.) (1913). Der altfranzösische Yderroman. GRL 31. Dresden   Yd:GRL

Lancelot-Grail Cycle. (Vulgate Cycle).
History of the Holy Grail (Estoire del Saint Graal) EstSG
Ponceau, Jean-Paul. (Ed.) (1989). L’estoire del saint graal, Vol. 1. Paris: H. Champion (1997).   EstSG:Pon
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1909). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 1. Washington. (Page and line numbers.)   EstSG:Som
Hucher, Eugène (Ed.) (1975–8). Le Saint-Graal. 3 vols. Le Mans: E. Monnoyer.   Grim:Huch
Histoire de Grimaud (Story of Grimaud). A late expansion in some texts of the History of the Holy Grail. Grim
Hucher, Eugène (Ed.) (1975–8). Le Saint-Graal Vol. 3:311–638. Le Mans: E. Monnoyer.   Grim:Huch
Vulgate Merlin (Histoire de Merlin) An extended version of the Story of Merlin VM
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1908). The vulgate version of the Arthurian Romances, Vol. 2. Washington. (Page and line numbers.)   PM:Som
Prose Lancelot (Lancelot)
Galehaut section of the Prose Lancelot PLGal
Micha, Alexandre (Ed.) (1978–82). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol 7: Du début du roman jusqu’à le capture de Lancelot par la Dame de Malohaut. (1980). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol 8: De la guerre de Galehot contre Arthur au deuxième voyage en Sorelois. (1982). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol. 1. [Long version of the tale from the second journey to Sorelois to the death of Galehaut.] (1978). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol. 3: Du deuxième voyage en Sorelois à l’« Agravain »: versions courte, pp. 1–252 (1979) Genève: Droz.   PLGal:Mich
Kennedy, Elspeth (Ed.) (1980). Lancelot du Lac: The non-Cyclic Old French Prose Romances. 2. vols. Oxford:Clarendon Press.   PLGal:Ken
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1910). The vulgate version of the Arthurian Romances, Vol. 3. Washington. [Page and line numbers.] (1911). The vulgate version of the Arthurian Romances, Vol. 4:3–155, 365–99. Washington. [Page and line numbers.]   PLGal:Som
Charette section of the Prose Lancelot PLChar
Micha, Alexandre (Ed.) (1978–79). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol. 2: (Long version of the “Charette”). (1978). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol. 3: Du deuxième voyage en Sorelois à l’« Agravain »: versions courte, pp. 253–361 (1979) Genève: Droz.   PLChar:Mich
Hutchings, Gwenneth (Ed.) (1938). Le Roman en prose de Lancelot du Lac: Le Conte de la Charette. Paris. (Page and line numbers.) Pages 2–86 contain two versions of the tale, MS K which belongs to the same family used by Sommer, and MS A.   PLChar:Hut
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1911). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 4:155–362. Washington. [Page and line numbers.]   PLChar:Som
Agravain section of the Prose Lancelot PLAg
Micha, Alexandre (Ed.) (1979–80). Lancelot: roman en prose du XIIIe siècle, Vol. 4: D’une aventure d’Agravain jusqu’à la fin de la quête de Lancelot par Gauvain et ses compagnons. (1979). Vol. 5: De le quête d’Hector au retour de Gauvain et de ses compagnons à la cour. (1980). Vol. 6: Du retour de Gauvain et de son compagnons à la cour de Pentecôte jusqu’à la fin du roman. (1980). Genève: Droz.   PLAg:Mich
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1912). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 5. Washington. (Page and line numbers.)   PLAg:Som
Vulgate Quest of the Holy Grail (Queste del Saint Graal) VQG
Pauphilet, Albert (Ed.) (1923, 1949). La queste de la saint graal, roman du XIIIe siècle, CFMA 33. (Page and line numbers.)   VQG:AP
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1913). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 6. Washington. (Page and line numbers.)   VQG:Som
Mort Artu (Death of Arthur) Mort
Frappier, Jean (Ed.) (1964). La morte le roi Artu: roman du XIIIe siècle, Genève: Droz.   Mort:F
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1913). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 6:201–391. Washington. (Page and line numbers.)   Mort:Som
Le Livre d’Artus (Book of Arthur). An alternate version of the second half of the Vulgate Merlin. LA
Sommer, Oskar H. (Ed.) (1913). The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances, Vol. 7. Washington. [Page and line numbers.]   LA:Som

Post-Vulgate Arthurian Cycle. Properly titled Li Livre de la Graal (‘Book of the Grail’). Also known as the Pseudo-Robert-de-Boron Cycle. (It survives in fragmentary form.
History of the Holy Grail (Estoire del Saint Graal) Identical to that in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle
Post-Vulgate Merlin (Post-Vulgate Histoire de Merlin) An extended version of the Story of Merlin differing from that in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle. PVM
Paris, Gaston & Ulrich, Jacob (Eds.) (1886). Merlin, roman en prose de XIIIe siècle, publié avec la mise en prose du poème de Merlin de Robert de Boron d’après le manuscript appartenant à M. Alfred H. Huth. 2 vols. SATF. Paris.   PVM:SATF
Gauvain, Yvain et le Morholt (Gawain, Yvain, and the Morholt) GYM
Sommer, H. Oskar]] (Ed.) (1913). Die Abenteuer Gawains, Ywains und le Morholts mit den drei Jungfrauen aus der Trilogie (Demanda) des Pseudo-Robert de Boron. Die Fortsetzung des Huth-Merlin nach der allein bekannten MS. Nr. 112 der Pariser Nstional Bibliothek. Beihefte zur ZRP, 47. Heft.   GYM:Som
Folie Lancelot (Madness of Lancelot) FL
Bogdanow, Fanni (Ed.) (1965). La Folie Lancelot, a hitherto unidentified portion of the Suite de Merlin contained in MSS. B. N. fr. 112 and 12599. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philolgie. 109. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.   FL:Bog
Post-Vulgate Quest of the Holy Grail (Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal) PVQ
Bogdanow, Fanni (Ed.) (1985). La version post-vulgate de la queste del saint-graal et de la mort Artu, Vol. 1–3:388. Paris: SATF   PVQ:Bog
Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Post-Vulgate Death of Arthur) PVMA
Bogdanow, Fanni (Ed.) (1985). La version post-vulgate de la queste del saint-graal et de la mort Artu, Vol. 3:389–535. Paris: SATF   PVMA:Bog
Post-Vulgate Erec (Post-Vulgate Erec) A romance of Erec extracted from the Post-Vulgate by Cedric E. Pickford. EPr
Pickford, Cedric E. (Ed.) (1968). Erec, roman arthurien en prose, publié d’après le ms. fr. 112 de la Bibliothéque Nationale. TLF 87; 2nd ed. Genève-Paris. (Page and line numbers.) (All material is also in F and in PVMA.   EPr:Pic

Prose Tristan
Main Prose Tristan Material PT
Curtis, Renée L. (Ed.) (1963). Le roman de Tristan en prose. Vol. 1. Munich: Max Hueber Verlag. Reissued 1985 Cambridge: Brewer. (1976) Le roman de Tristan en prose, Vol 2. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Reissued 1985 Cambridge: Brewer. (1985) Le roman de Tristan en prose, Vol. 3. Cambridge: Brewer.   PT:Cur.
Blanchard, Joël. (Ed.) (1976). Le roman de Tristan en prose: Les deux captivités de Tristan. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck.   PT.V.III:Blan.
Le roman de Tristan en prose (version du manuscrit fr. 757 de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris) (5 Vols.). (1997–2007). Paris: H. Champion.   PT.V.I
Ménard, Philippe (exec. ed.). (1987–1997). Le roman de Tristan en prose (9 vols.). Geneva: Librairie Droz.   PT.V.II:Mén.
Tristan: 1489. (1976; rprt. 1978). (Facsimile reprint of the first printed version of the Prose Tristan.) London: Scholar Press.   PT:1489
Summary of the Prose Tristan
Löseth, E. (Summarized) (1890). Le Roman en prose de Tristan, le roman de Palamède, et la compilation de Rusticien de Pise, analyse critique d’après les manuscrits de Paris. Paris. Reprinted New York, 1970. (Numbered paragraphs.)   Löseth

Jüngerer Titurel JTit
Wolf, Werner (Ed. Vol. 1–2) & Nyholm, Kurt (Eds. Vol. 3) (1955–85). Albrecht von Scharfenberg Jüngerer Titurel. Berlin: Akademie. JTit:Wolf
Hahn, K. A. (Ed.) (1842). Albrecht von Scharfenberg: Der Jüngerer Titurel. Quedlinburg: Basse. JTit:Hahn

Bauduins Butors
Romance of the Sons of King Constans (Roman de fils du roi Constans) FRC
Flutre, L-F (Ed.) (1973). Le Romans de Pendragus et Libanor par Baudoiun Butor, texte inédit de la fin du XIIIe siècle. Rom 94:57–90. (Not as much text as the Thorpe edition.)   FRC:Flu
Thorpe, Lewis (Ed.) (1968–70). The four rough drafts of Bauduins Butors. Nottingham Medieval Studies 12:3–20 (1968), 13:49–64 (1969). 14:41–63 (1970. (Draft and line numbers.)   FRC:Tho

Sone de Nausay (Sean of Nausay) SdN
Goldschmidt, Moritz (Ed.) (1899). Sone de Nausay. Tübingen: Laupp.   SdN:Gold

Gerard d’ Amiens
Escanor Esc
Michelant, H. (Ed.) (1886). Der roman von Escanor. BLVS 178. Tübingen.   Esc:BLVS

Gerbert de Montreuil
Gerbert Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval CP GM
Williams, Mary (Ed.) (1922–5). La continuation de Perceval. CFMA 28,50; 2 vols. Paris. Contains only ll. 1–14078 of the text.   CP GM:CFMA
Hilka, Alfons (Ed.) (1933). Die geistliche Tendenz und das Motif vom geprellten Teufel, ZRP 53:303–11. Contains ll. 14342–556,   CP GM:Hilka
Tristan Menestrel (Tristan the Minstrel) embedded in the Gerbert Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval (ll. 3309–4832). CP GM
Fresco, Karen (Ed. & trans.) (1998). Tristan Menestrel. Early French Tristan Poems, Vol. 2:214–281. AA 2. Cambridge: Brewer.   CP GM:AA

Guillaume le clerc
Fergus FG
Frescolin, Wilson (Ed.) (1983). The Romance of Fergus. Philadephia: William H. Allen.   FG:Fres
Martin, Ernst (Ed.) (1872). Fergus, roman von Guillaume le clerc. Halle   FG:Mar

Hartmann von Aue
Erec ErHart
Leutzman, Albert (Ed.) (1985). Erec, 6th ed. Comeau Christoph & Gärtner, K. Tübingen: Niemeyer.   ErHart:Leu
Iwein, or The Knight with the Lion Iw
McConeghy, Patrick M. (Ed. & trans.) (1984). Iwein. New York: Garland.   Iw:McC
Benecke, G. F. & Lachmann (Eds.) (1968). Iwein: eine Erzählung, 7th ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.   Iw:Ben

Heinrich von Freiberg
Tristan (Continuation to Gottfried’s Tristan) TrHvF
Bechstein, Reinhold (Ed.) (1877). Tristan. Leipzig: Brockhaus.   TrHvF:Bech

Heinrich von dem Türlin
Diu Krône (The Crown) DK
Scholl, Gottlob Heinrich Friedrich (Ed.) (1852). Diu Crône. Bibliothek des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart 27. Stuttgart.   DK:Sch

Les Merveilles de Rigomer (The Wonders of Rigomer) Rig
Foerster, Wendelin & Breuer Hermann (Ed.) (1908–15). Les Mervelles de Rigomer. GRL 19, 39; two vols. Dresdem.   Rig:GRL

Konrad von Stoffeln
Gauriel von Muntabel (Gauriel of Muntabel) GM
Christoph, Siegfried (Ed. & trans.) (2007). Gauriel von Muntabel. German Romance, Vol. 2. AA 15. Cambridge: Brewer.   GM:AA

Lawman’s Brut LaBrut
Madden, Frederick. (Ed.) (1847). Brut, 8 vols. London: Society of Antiquaries of London.   LaBrut:Mad

The Manassier Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval CP M
Roach, William (Ed.) (1949–83). The Continuations of the Old French “Perceval” of Chrétien de Troyes, Roach, William, ed. The Continuations of the Old French “Perceval” of Chrétien de Troyes, Vol. 5. Philadephia: University of Pennsylvania Press.   CP M:Roach
Potvin, Ch. (Ed.) (1865–71). In Perceval le Gallois out le conte du graal, ll. 34935–45379. Publications de la Société des Bibliophiles, no. 21. Mons   CP M:Pot

Paiens de Maisières
La Mule sans Frein (The Mule without a Bridle) Msf
Orloski, B. (Ed.) (1911). La damoisele a la mule. Paris   Msf:Orl

Penninc & Pieter Vostaert
Walewein Wale
Johnson, David F. & Claassens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2000). Roman van Walewein. Dutch Romances, Vol. 1. AA 6. Csmbridge: Brewer.   Wale:JC

Der Pleier
Garel von dem blühenden Tal GvdbT
Wolfgang, Herles (Ed.) (1981). Garel von dem blüenden Tal. Vienna: Halosar.   GvdbT
Tandareis und Flordibel TF
Khull, Ferdinand (Ed.) (1883). Tandareis und Flordibel: Ein höfischer Roman. Graz: Styria.   TF:Khul
Meleranz Meler
Bartsch, Karl (Ed.) (1974). Meleranz. Hildesheim: Olms.   Meler:Bart

Vengeance de Raguidel (Avenging of Raguidel) VR
Friedwagner, Mathias (Ed.) (1909). La Vengeance Raguidel, Vol. 2 of Raoul von Houdenc, Sämtliche Werk. Halle.   VR:Fried

Raoul de Houdenc
Meraugis de Portlesguez MP
Friedwagner, Mathias (Ed.) (1897). Meraugis de Portlesguez, Vol. 1 of Raoul von Houdenc, Sämtliche Werk. Halle.   MP:Fried

Brother Robert (Bróðir Robert)
Tristrams saga ok Ísönsdar (Saga of Ttristram and Ísönd) TrSag
Jorgensen, Peter (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Tristrams saga ok Ísönsdar. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Tristan Legend, pp. 23–226. Norse Romance, Volume 1. AA 3. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrSag:Jorg

Robert de Blois
Beaudous (Fairsweet) BD
Ulrich, Jakob (Ed.) (1889). Beaudous. In Sämtliche Werke, Vol. 1. Berlin.   BD:Ulr

Rusticien da Pisa
Compilation CRP
Löseth, E. (Summarized) (1890). La Compilation de Rusticien de Pisa. In Le Roman en prose de Tristan, le roman de Palamède, et la compilation de Rusticien de Pise, analyse critique d’après les manuscrits de Paris. Paris. Reprinted New York, 1970. (Numbered paragraphs.)   Löseth

Der Stricker
Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal (Daniel of the Blossoming Valley) Dan
Resler, Michael (Ed. & trans.) (2003). Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal. German Romance, Vol. 1. AA 9. Cambridge: Brewer.   Dan:Res

Ulrich von Türheim
Continuation to Gottfried’s Tristan (Ulrich) (Continuation to Gottfried’s Tristan) TrUlr
Kerth, Thomas (Ed.) (1979). Tristan. Tübingen: Niemeyer.   TrUlr:Ker

Wirnt von Graffenberg
Wigalois Wig
Kapreyn, J.M.N. (Ed.) (1926). Wigalois, der Riter mit dem Rade. Bonn: Klopp.   Wig:Kap

Wolfram von Eschenbach
Parzival Parz
Leitzmann, Albert (Ed.) (1926). Wolfram von Eschenbach, 5 Vols. Berlin: de Gruyer.   Parz:Leit
Lachmann, Karl (Ed.) (1826). Wolfram von Eschenbach, 6th edition. Berlin: de Gruyer.   Parz:Lach
Titurel (fragments) Tit
Gibbs, Marion E. & Johnson, Sidney M. (Ed. & trans.) (1988). Wolfram von Eschenbach: Titurel and the Songs. New York: Garland.   Tit:Gib

Allusions, Cameos, and Sections of Other Works[]

Roger of Wendover, et. al
Flores Historiarum (Flowers of History) FH
Coxe, Henry O. (Ed.) (1841–42). Rogeri de Wendover: Chonica, sive flores historiarun, 5 Vols. (London: Sumptibus Societatis.   FH:Coxe

Thomas Castleford
Chronicle TCC
Behre, Frank (Ed.) (1940). Thomas Castleford’s Chronicle. Elanders: Göteborg.   TCC:Beh

Fourteenth Century[]

Arthur ART
Furnivall, Frederick J. (Ed.) (1864). Arthur: a Short Sketch of His Life and History in English Verse. Oxford: Oxford University Press.   ART:Fur
Awntyrs of Arthur at the Terne Wathelyne AA
Hahn, Thomas. (Ed.) (1995). The Awntyrs off Arthur. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   AA:Hahn
Gates, Robert J. (Ed.) (1969). Awntyrs of Arthur at the Terne Wathelyne. Phildelphia: U. of Philadelphia Press.   AA:Gates
Brut y Brenhinedd Cotton Cleopatra Bv. BrCot
Parry, John Jay (Ed. & trans.) (1937). Brut y Brenhinedd: Cotton Cleopatra Version. Cambridge, MA:   BrCot:Par
Carduino Card
Rajna, Pio (Ed.) (1873). Cantari di Carduino giuntavo quello di Tristano e Lancillotto quando combattettero al petrone di Merlino. Bologna: Romagnoli.   Card:Raj
The Carle of Carlisle CC
Hahn, Thomas (Ed.) (1995). The Carle of Carlisle. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   CC:Hahn'
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Carle off Carlile. MS British Museum Additional 27879 (Percy Folio MS). Bishop Percy’s Folio MS, Vol. 3:275–94. London: N. Trübner.   CC:HF
Ackerman, Robert W. (Ed.) (1947). Syre Gawene and the Carle of Carelyle. MS Porkington 10, National Library of Wales. London: N. Trübner. University of Michigan Contributions in Modern Philology. 8.   GCC
Le Chevalier du Papegau (The Knight of the Parrot) Pap
Heuckenkamp, Ferdinand (Ed.) (1951). Le Chevalier du Papegeau. Halle A. S.   Pap:Heu
Sir Degaré Not Arthurian, but this knight’s name is painted on the Winchester Round Table. Deg
Laskaya, Anne & Salisbury, Eve (Eds.) (1995). Sir Degaré. In The Middle English Breton Lays. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. Deg:LS
Sir Degrevaunt Degr
Kooper, Erik (Ed.) (2006). In Sentimental and Humorous Romances. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. Degr:Koo
Entrée d’Espagne (Entry into Spain) ES
Thomas, Antoine (Ed.) (1913). L’Entrée d’Espagne: chanson de geste franco-italienne, publiée d’après le manuscrt unique de Venice, 2 vols. Paris: Champion.   ES:Thom
Erex Saga (Erex’s Saga). Adapted from Chrétien’s Erec et Enide. ErSag
Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Erex saga. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Knights of the Round Table. Norse Romance, Vol. 2:217–65. AA 4. Cambridge: Brewer.   ErSag:Kal'
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight GGK
Gollancz, Israel. (Ed.) (1940). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. EETS 210.   GGK:Goll
Golagros and Gawain GG
Hahn, Thomas. (Ed.) (1995). The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Gawain. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   GG:Hahn
Stevenson, George (Ed.) (1918). Galagros and Gawane. Pieces from the MakCulloch and the Gray MSS: Together with the Chapman and Myllar Prints, pp. 67–110. STS 65.   GG:Stev
Hærra Ivan {Sir Ivan). Adapted from Chétien’a Yvain. HIv
William, Henrik & Palmgren, Karen (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) Hærra Ivan. Norse Romance, Vol. 3. AA 5. Cambridge: Brewer.   HIV:Hen
Sir Landevale Lande
Laskaya, Anne & Salisbury, Eve (Eds.) (1995). Sir Landevale. The Middle English Breton Lays, Appendix C. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications.   Lande:Lask
Libeaus Desconus (The Fair Unknown) LD
Mills, M. (Ed.) (1969). Lybeaus Desconus. London: Oxford University Press.   LD:Mil
Kaluza, Max (Ed.) (1890). Libeaus Desconus. MS Lincoln’s Inn 150. Altenglische Bibliothek 5.   LD-1
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Libeaus Desconus. MS British Museum Additional 27879 (Percy Folio MS). Bishop Percy’s Folio MS, Vol. 2:404–97. London: N. Trübner.   LD-2
Alliterative Morte Arthure AMA
Benson, Larry D. (Ed.) (1994). King Arthur’s Death. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   AMA:Be
Björkman, Erik (Ed.) (1915). Morte Arthure. MS Lincoln Cathedral Library 91 (Thornton MS). Alt- und Mittelenglische Texte 9.   AMA:Bj
Stanzaic Morte Arthur LMA
Bruce, Douglas (Ed.) (1903). Le Morte Arthur. MS Harley 2252. EETSES 88.   LMA:Br
Sir Perceval of Galles SPG
Campton, J. & Holthausen, F. (Eds.) (1913). Sir Percval of Galles. MS Lincoln Cathedral Library 91 (Thornton MS). Alt-und Mittleenglische Texte 5.   SPG:Cam
La Pulzella Gaia (The Merry Maiden) PG
Levi, Ezio (Ed.) (1914). Fiore de leggende: cantari antichi. Bari: Laterza.   PG:Levi
Quando Tristano e Lancielotto combattettero al petrone di Merlino (How Tristan and Lancelot fought at Merlin’s stone) QTL
Rajna, Pio (Ed.) (1873). Cantari di Carduino giuntavo quello di Tristano e Lancillotto quando combattettero al petrone di Merlino. Bologna: Romagnoli.   QTL:Raj
Der Rheinische Merlin RhM
Beckers, Hartmut (Ed.) (1991). Der rheinische Merlin: Text, Übersetzung, Untersuchschungen der “Merlin” und “Lūthild”-Fragmente, pp. 23–54. Paderborn: Schöningh.   RhM:Beck
Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd (Saga of Tristram and Ísodd) SagTr
Jorgensen, Peter (Ed.) & Hill, Joyce M. (1999). Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd. Kalinke, Marianne E (Ed.) The Tristan Legend. Norse Romance, Vol. 1. AA 3. Cambridge Brewer.   SagTr:Jorg
Segremors Segr
Meyer-Bentley, Heinrich (Ed.) (1909). Segremors. Mittelhochdeutsche Übungsstücke, pp. 175–87. Halle: Niemeyer.   Segr:Mey
Stikkjurímur (Mantle rhymes) Stikk
Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed. & trans.) (1999). Stikkjurímur. Kalinke, Marion E. (Ed.) The Knights of the Round Table. Norse Romance, Vol. 2:267–325. AA 4. Cambridge: Brewer.   Stikk:Kal
Tavolo Ritondo TR
Polidori, Filippo-Liugi (Ed.) La Tavola Ritondo o l’istoria di Tristano. Bolegno: Romagnoli.   TR:Pol
Tristano panciatichiano (Panciatrichiano Tristan Manuscript) TrP
Allaire, Gloria (Ed. & trans.) (2002). Il Tristano panciatchiano. Italian Literature, Vol. 1. AA 8. Cambridge: Brewer.   TrP:All
Tristrams Kvæði (Tristram’s Ballad) TrK
Cook, Robert (Ed.) (1999). Tristrams kvæði. (Version from Helgason Jón (Ed.) (1962). Íslenzk fornkvæði: Islandske folkeviser, Vol. 1:137–43. Copanhagan: Munksgaard.) Kalinke, Marianne E (Ed.) The Tristan Legend. Norse Romance, Vol. 1. AA 3. Cambridge Brewer.   TrK-1
Helgason Jón (Ed.) (1963–65). Íslenzk fornkvæði: Islandske folkeviser, Vol. 3:198–201, Vol. 4:221–42, Vol. 5:22–25. Copanhagan: Munksgaard.   TrK-2   TrK-3   TrK-4
Vita di Merlino con le sue Profetie (Live of Merlin with his own Prophesies) VMP
(1480). La Historia di Merlino. Venice: Tramezzino.
Ywain and Gawain YG
Schleich, Gustav (Ed.) (1887). Ywain and Gawain. MS Cotton Galba E IX. Oppeln: Eugen Franck.   YG:Schl

Dutch Lancelot Verse Cycle (Only the second half exists.)
Roman van Lanceloet (Second half: ending is incomplete. Replaced by Perceval material and original material.) DLLanc
Jonkbloet, William J. A. (Ed.) (1846). In Roman van Lancelot (XIIIe eeuw). Naar het (einigbekende bandeschrift der Koninklijke Bibliotheek, op gezag van het Gouvernement uitgegewen door ..., vol. 1. ’s-Gravenhage: Van Stockum.   DLLanc:Jon
Perchevael (Partly adapted from Chrétien’s Perceval.) DLPerc
Jonkbloet, William J. A. (Ed.) (1846). In Roman van Lancelot (XIIIe eeuw). Naar het (einigbekende bandeschrift der Koninklijke Bibliotheek, op gezag van het Gouvernement uitgegewen door ..., vol. 1. ’s-Gravenhage: Van Stockum.   DLPerc:Jon
Moriaen DLMor
Jonkbloet, William J. A. (Ed.) (1846). In Roman van Lancelot (XIIIe eeuw). Naar het (einigbekende bandeschrift der Koninklijke Bibliotheek, op gezag van het Gouvernement uitgegewen door ..., vol. 1. ’s-Gravenhage: Van Stockum.   DLMor:Jon
Queste vandem Grale (Dutch Quest of the Holy Grail) DLQGr
Jonkbloet, William J. A. (Ed.) (1849). In Roman van Lancelot (XIIIe eeuw). Naar het (einigbekende bandeschrift der Koninklijke Bibliotheek, op gezag van het Gouvernement uitgegewen door ..., vol. 2. ’s-Gravenhage: Van Stockum.   DLQGr:Jon
Die Wrake van Ragisel (Adapted from the French Vengeance de Raguidel [The Avenging of Raguidel].) DLWR
Johnson, David S. & Claasens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2003). Die Wrake van Ragisel. Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Dutch Romances, Vol. 3:50–195. AA 10. Cambridge: Brewer.   DLWR:AA
Die Riddere metter Mouwen (The Knight with the Sleeve) DLRM
Johnson, David S. & Claasens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2003). Die Wrake van Ragisel. Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Dutch Romances, Vol. 3:196–367. AA 10. Cambridge: Brewer.   DLRM:AA
Walewain ende Keie (Gawain and Kay) DLWK
Johnson, David S. & Claasens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2003). Die Wrake van Ragisel. Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Dutch Romances, Vol. 3:368–523. AA 10. Cambridge: Brewer.   DLWK:AA
Lanceloet en het Hert met de Witte Voet (Lancelot and the Stag with the White Foot) DLLHW
Johnson, David S. & Claasens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2003). Die Wrake van Ragisel. Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Dutch Romances, Vol. 3:524–61. AA 10. Cambridge: Brewer.   DLLHW:AA
Torec (Adapted from the lost French romance of Torec) DLTor
Johnson, David S. & Claasens, Geert H.M. (Eds.) (2003). Die Wrake van Ragisel. Five Interpolated Romances from the Lancelot Compilation. Dutch Romances, Vol. 3:524–61. AA 10. Cambridge: Brewer.   DLTor:AA
Arturs Doet (Adapted from the French Mort Artu) DLAD
Jonkbloet, William J. A. (Ed.) (1849). In Roman van Lancelot (XIIIe eeuw). Naar het (einigbekende bandeschrift der Koninklijke Bibliotheek, op gezag van het Gouvernement uitgegewen door ..., vol. 2. ’s-Gravenhage: Van Stockum.   DLAD:AA

Antonio Pucci
Gismirante Gis
Sapegno, Natalino. (Ed.) (1952). Poeti minori del Trecento, pp. 869–81. Milan: Ricciardi.   Gis:Sap
Brito de Bretagna (Brito of Britain) BdB
Sapegno, Natalino. (Ed.) (1952). Poeti minori del Trecento, pp. 869–81. Milan: Ricciardi.   BdB:Sap

Geoffrey Chaucer
The Wife of Bath’s Tale WB
Howard, Donald R. (Ed.) (1969). The Canterbury Tales: a Selection. New York: Penguin.   WB:How

John of Glastonbury
Cronica sive Antiquitates, Glastoniensis Ecclesie (Chronicle or the Antiquities of the Church of Glastonbury) JGCron
Carley, James P. (Ed.) & Townsend, David (Trans.) (1984). The chronicle of Glastonbury Abbey: an edition, translation, and study of John of Glastonbury’s “Cronica sive antiquitates Glastoniensis ecclesie”. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer.   JGCron:CT

Thomas Chestre
Sir Launfal Launf
Laskaya, Anne & Salisbury, Eve (Eds.) (1995). Sir Launfal. The Middle English Breton Lays. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications.   Launf:Lask
Sheperd, Stephen A. (Ed.) (1995). Sir Launfal. In Middle English Romances. New York: Norton.   Launf:Shep

Jean Froissart
Meliador Mel
Longman, A. (Ed.) (1895–99). Meliador, 3 Vols. Paris: Firmin Didot.   Mel:Long

Allusions, Cameos, and Sections of Other Works[]

Robert of Gloucester
Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle RGC
Wright, W. A. (Ed.) (1887). The Metrical Chronical of Robert of Gloucester, 2 Vols. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode.   RGC:Wri

Fifteenth Century[]

Alixandre l’Orphelin (Alixandre the Orphin) Inserted into some versions of the Prose Tristan and the Prophécies de Merlin. AO
Pickford, Cedric E. (Ed.) (1951). Alixandre l’Orphelin, a Prose Tale of the Fifteenth Century. Manchester UP.   AO:Pic
The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Sir Baudwin of Britain AKA
Hahn, Thomas.(Ed.) (1995). The Avowing of Arthur. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   AKA:Hahn
French, Walter Hoyt & Hale, Charles Brockway. (Eds.) (1930). Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Sir Baldwin of Britain. Middle English Metrical Romances. 605–46. New York: Prentice-Hall.   AKA:Fre
Brut Tysilio Jesus College, Oxford, MS 61, composed about 1500. BrTys
Jones, Owen & William, Edwards & Pugh, William Owens (1870). Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, Vol. 1:434-75. 2nd. ed. Denbigh: Thomas Gee.   BrTys:MA
The Gest of Sir Gawain {Deeds of Sir Gawain) GSG
Hahn, Thomas (Ed.) (1995). The Jeaste of Sir Gawain. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   GSG:Hahn
Madden, Frederick (Ed.) (1839). The Jeaste of Sir Gawayne. Syr Gawayne, pp. 207–23. London: Bannatyne Club.   GSG:Mad
The The Grene Knight {The Green Knight) GK
Hahn, Thomas (Ed.) (1995). The Grene Knight. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   GK:Hahn
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript, 2:56–77. London: N. Trübner.   GK:HF
The King Arthur’s Death KAD
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript, 1:497–507. London: N. Trübner.   KAD:HF
The Lancelot of the Laik. (Lancelot of the Lake). LL
Gray, Margaret Muriel (Ed.) (1912). Lancelot of the Laik. STS 2.   LL:STS
Prose Cligés PrCl
Foerster, Wendelin (Ed.) (1884). Le livre de Alixandre empereur de Constantinople et de Cliges son filz. in Cligés, Christian von Troyes, Sämtliche erhaltene Werke, Vol. 1:281–338. Halle. (Page and line numbers.)   PrCl:Foer
Prose Erec PrEE
Colombo Timelli, Maria (Ed.) (2001). L’histoire d’Erec en prose du manuscrit Paris, B.N. fr. 363 (ff. 193rºb-222rºb). Festschrift Lacy in BBIAS 53, pp. 149–61.   PrEE:Col
Foerster, Wendelin (Ed.) (1890). Die Prosauflösung des Erec. In Erec und Enide, Christian von Troyes, Sämtliche erhaltene Werke, Vol. 3:251–94. Halle (Page and line numbers.)   PrEE:Foer
English Prose Merlin EngVM
Wheatley, Henry B. (Ed.) (1865–1899). Merlin, a prose romance. EETS 10, 21, 36, 92.   EngVM:Wh
Tristan and Isolde (Tristrant und Isalde)
The Turke and Gowin (The Turk and Gawain) TG
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript, 1:88–102. London: N. Trübner.   TG:HF
The Wedding of Sir Gawain WG
Shepard, Stephen H. A (Ed.) (1995). The Marriage of Sir Gawaine. In Middle English Romances. New York: Norton.   WG:Shep
Sumner, Laura (Ed.) (1924). The Weddinge of Sir Gawan and Dame Ragnell. Smith College Studies in Modern Languages, Vol. 5, No. 4.   WG:Sum

Herry Lovelich
Lovelich’s History of the Holy Grail HLG
Furnivall, Frederick J. (Ed.) & Kempe, Dorothy (Commentary) (1874–1905). The History of the Holy Grail. EETSES 20, 24, 28, 30, 95.   HLG:Fur
Lovelich’s Merlin HLM
Kock, Ernst A. (Ed.) (1904, 1913, 1932). Merlin. EETSES 93, 112; EETS 85.   HLM:Koc

Thomas Malory
Le Morte Darthur Mal
The Winchester Malory: A Facsimile. Introduced by Ker, N. R. (1976). London: Early English Text Society.   Mal:Win
Spisak, James (Ed.) (1983). Caxton’s Malory. 2 vols. Berkeley: U. of Caliornia Press.   Mal:Cax

Ulrich Füetrer
Buch der Abenteuer (Book of Adventure) BdA
Weber, Frederich (Ed.) (1960). Poytischer aus dem Buch der Abenteuer von Ulrich Fuetrer. Tübingen: Niemeyer.   BdA:Web

Sixteenth Century[]

Prose English Joseph of Arimathea PEJA
Skeat, Walter W. (Ed.) (1871). The Lyfe of Joseph of Arimathy. (Printed by Wynkyn de Worde.) Joseph of Arimathie, pp. 1–23. EETS 44.   PEJA:Skea
King Arthur and King Cornwall AKC
Hahn, Thomas (Ed.) (1995). King Arthur and King Cornwall. In Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications.   AKC:Hahn
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). King Arthur and the King of Cornwall. Bishop Percy’s Folio MS, Vol. 1:59–73. London: N. Trübner..   AKC:HF
The Boy and the Mantle BM
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). The Boy and the Mantle. Bishop Percy’s Folio MS, Vol. 2:301–11. London: N. Trübner..   BM:HF
Sir Lambewell Lambe
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Sir Lambewell. Bishop Percy’s Folio MS. London: N. Trübner.   Lambe:HF
Sir Lamwell Lamwe
Furnivall, Frederick J. (Ed.) (1871). Sir Lamwell. Captain Cox, His Ballads and Books; or Robert Laneham’s Letter. London: Tayor.   Lamwe:Fur
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Sir Lamwell. Bishop Percy’s Folio MS. London: N. Trübner.   Lamwe:HF
Sir Launcelot du Lake SLdL
Hales, John W. & Furnivall, Frederick J. (Eds.) (1867–8). Sir Launcelot du Lake. Bishop Percy’s Folio MS. London: N. Trübner.   SLdL:HF
The Serbo-Russian Romance of Tristan and Isolt SRTr

Claude Platin
Giglan Gig
Jewers, Caroline A.(Ed.) (For release in 2010). A Sixteenth-Century Arthurian Romance: ‘L’Hystoire de Giglan filz de messire Gauvain qui fut roy de Galles. Et de Geoffroi de Maience son compaignon’. MHRA Critical Texts 19.   Gig:Jew